
the GHB/GBL harm reduction app

GSafe tracks the history of your G doses. It remembers for you when and how much you took. It displays a big timer since your last dose to avoid any mistake. If you try to take G too early, it warns you. The buttons are large and the text minimal, so it’s easy to use in any situation. It does not save anything on the internet, all data stays on your phone, and can be used perfectly in airplane mode. Give it a try and limit the risks when using GHB or GBL. #party #festival #chill

GHB/GBL/BDO are dangerous susbtances. They are easy to overdose and very addictive. If you use them, always be extra careful. You can find detailed information and help on

GSafe on iPhone

thank you for making this! seriously a game changer when in the depths of raving. i’ve told lots of people about it 🙌🏼

— Reddit user

AMAZING app, already recommended to all of my rave budies and I am personnaly using it

— MicaelaKD, App Store

I use this app every time I go raving! My friends also love it. It has been so so helpful. You have created an awesome thing - cheers x

— Reddit user
GSafe on Apple Watch

Because we don’t always have our phone with us when partying (#KitKat) GSafe also exists as an independent Apple Watch app.

Add doses from your wrist, and quickly see the time since your last dose in a blink, directly from the watch face, through a complication. Stay safe in every situation!

Like the phone app, GSafe for Apple Watch doesn’t use internet: everything is stored on your watch.